pink & Black background

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Grinch Party for Nonnie!

Natalie had a great idea to throw a Grinch-themed birthday party for her 6th. What a blast we had decorating our cone trees while drinking our green punch! The kids were coated in green frosting, but it was a fantastic day.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer Bucket List

B and I recorded our favorite summer activities on a white board in her room, and knowing Dave was traveling tonight we attacked them! At the end of the day I decided to meet my mom in Aurora at the Barn sale. It was risky with the kids in tow and 90+ degrees. Snacks, drinks and swim gear packed, we hit the road. They were so good and B was so much fun to shop with.
Her realization that everything in our house was from this barn had strangers around us cracking up. We left after doing some significant damage and charged up to Auburn's Emerson Park. They only had 20 minutes to swim, but we all dove in. It was the most refreshing swim I think I've ever experienced. We knew at that point we weren't going to make the evening zoo event, so playground time. Next, we decided on a local joint for dinner. We found a great outdoor table near the band and enjoyed dinner and ice cream.
Perfectly productive night! I list our bucket items:
☑️ ice cream
☑️ eat outside
☑️ playground
☑️ beach trip
☑️ shopping  

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Food challenge

The challenge is really for momma, in this case! We've avoided peanuts and peanut products since Natalie was starting solid foods. Now we sit here feeding her larger and larger spoonfuls of what has been poison until today. So far after an hour, she's doing really well! I'm an absolute wreck. My stomach hurts, I'm anxious and I need coffee. She just calmly and happily takes the spoonfuls and sucks them down! I know even if we get the ok I'll still be nervous about it for a long time. It is a surreal day!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Lucky to be Loved

This morning I awoke with my dear four-year-old spooning me. Her tiny arm was draped across my back in the most natural way. We've slept together more closely than Dave and I ever have, and I've thought many times that she and I fit together as perfectly as when I carried her. She turned over and snuggled her back into mine and said "I'm so tired." Gratefully I agreed and went back to sleep. She sat bolt upright a little while later and said, "I'll see you downstairs in a little while, mommy." Heaven punctuated by a quick kiss to my forehead (or, horefead as it is still often called). "Oops, I almost forgot." She scooted back towards me and gave me a long hug. As she made her way out of the room I couldn't help but think she was a gift. I always regret loosing my temper, choosing poor language, or overreacting, but when a little one is so darn sweet it makes you wonder if you don't deerve such love or if you've done something right.
B shows her love and affection differently. She desires the same cuddling and hugs N gets, but it is not her way. She spent most of the afternoon yesterday following me about the house offering to help. She's mature and willing it is easy to take her for granted. N rarely offers, usually following B's lead, but she doesn't enjoy it. Bailey truly wants to be helpful. It is such great company. 
The two couldn't be more different more more loving in their own ways. This difference has made it very apparent to me that little of them is due to me-they're their own little women and they are a gift from God.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My Little Writer

B has started leaving little notes all over the house for me. Absolutely heartwarming and adorable. I was brought to tears on her 6th birthday when ahe came downstairs and gave me a thank you note for making her the Brave birthday cake she wanted. I held her and cried like a baby, while squeezing my baby.
Today we celebrated Avery's baptism with family pictures and breakfast. B left me this note by the bathroom door. 
She couldn't wait to see Afre. It is so nice to see the girls feel such a close bond already with their cousin. And, to see your own baby crossing the bridge from toddler to child is monumentous.

I'll be your best friend, mommy

It was a rough day, the kind of day that makes your shoulders hurt. All I wanted was hugs from my girls. After much of the normal welcome home fanfare Nonnie came upstairs with me. As I changed she told me about school, and it evolved into me telling her about how a mean person made me feel bad. She game me a monster hug that knocked me down to the ground and we laid there as she rubbed my back. She usesthis slightly   funny voice when she is being the "adult". It is comforting and silly all at the same time. She told me shed Keats be my best friend *sniffle* and that she will send me a text or an email to tell me she loves me. She'll always be home when I get thee and she'll hug me. Sweetest thing anyone could've ever said and so what I dream of for our future. She wanted me to call my boss right away and tell him I needed a day off to stay home with my kids...hmm, now I see where this is going! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The love of your own child

Nonnie made my heart skip a beat tonight. As I was getting her ready for bed she apoplgized and said, " Im sorry I am not always good." I had been struggling all weekend with back pain, and a grocery excursion was less than joyful. But apologies from the four-year- old hurt me. It makes me feel like I should have more patience with her, not lose my temper and help her instead make good choices. But I am realistic, too, and at the core grateful that she does see the error in her own ways. B apologizes only when she's hurt someone accidentally. N doesn't hold back. She's thoughtful and compassionate in a different way. As I finished twinkle twinkle (which I've been told will always be her song, so stop asking) she thanked me, for being so careful that she doesn't eat peanuts. Random and out of the blue, but so perfectly Natalie.